
JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) together with the Indonesian Fintech Association (AFTECH) and the Indonesian Sharia Fintech Association (AFSI) and fintech industry players in Indonesia are synergizing again to organize the National Fintech Month (BFN) and The 5th Indonesia Fintech Summit & Expo (IFSE) 2023.

This activity is a joint step for all stakeholders in the financial technology sector to expand their positive role in and increase cross-sector synergy and collaboration to advance the digital economy in Indonesia.

Starting with the organizing of the National Fintech Month which lasts for one month from November 11 to December 12, 2023 through a virtual platform.

The top series of National Fintech Months (BFN) will be held at The 5th Indonesia Fintech Summit & Expo (IFSE) 2023 to be held on 23 - 24 November 2023 in Jakarta with the theme Accelerating Growth: Promoting Sustainable Integration and Collaboration for A Stronger Digital Economy.

Chief Executive of the Financial Sector Technology Innovation Supervision, Digital Financial Assets and Crypto Assets, OJK Hasan Fawzi revealed through BFN and IFSE 2023, OJK hopes that this event can be a momentum for collaboration for regulators, industry, and the community to encourage the strengthening of a sustainable digital financial ecosystem.

"We hope that the fintech industry will have a more significant role in providing tangible benefits to all existing economic activities, and of course, in the end, it will significantly contribute to national economic growth," Hasan explained.

Hasan emphasized the need for the role and support of all parties to create a healthy digital financial ecosystem, namely regulators in providing a framework that allows for continuous innovation of industrial commitments to ethical and responsible business practices as well as to increase public financial literacy in order to make financial decisions wisely.

Chairman of AFTECH, Pandu Patria Sjahrir revealed that throughout the National Fintech Month, Indonesian people will be introduced to various types of fintech model businesses in Indonesia through various incentive programs from leading fintech companies.

Furthermore, as part of this National Fintech Month, AFTECH also launched the Indonesian Fintech Youth Community (INFINITY) program. Through INFINITY, AFTECH invites Millennials and Gen Z throughout Indonesia to actively participate and in every literacy education activity organized by AFTECH with regulators.

In addition, through this program, AFTECH seeks to increase the role of young people to become agents of change and help voice various Fintech-related campaigns.

Through the 'INFINITY Goes to Campus' program, during the 2023 BFN, AFTECH will conduct a seminar on Fintech literacy, namely the University of Indonesia (UI), Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN), PPM School of Management.

On the other hand, Chairman of the Indonesian Sharia Fintech Association (AFSI) Ronald Yusuf Wijaya as an AFSI association has a strategic role in supporting the growth of the Islamic economic sector in Indonesia.

This is done by AFSI, one of which is through the supervision of its members so that in carrying out its business activities it can comply with the regulations in force in Indonesia and of course it can be in line with the main goal of advancing the Islamic economic sector, especially those based on fintech.

In the BFN 2023 program, AFTECH has gathered active participation of industry players. To date, there are 73 AFTECH Member Companies that support and participate as Contributors, and 24 AFTECH Member and Non-Member Companies.

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