
JAKARTA Damri will provide shuttle transportation to support the mobility of spectators at the FIFA 2023 U-17 international football championship which will be held in the Bandung area. This shuttle was presented as a form of support from Damri.

For your information, the 2023 FIFA U-17 World Cup will be held in four major cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, and Surakarta, from November 10 to December 2, 2023.

Plt. Damri Chrystian Corporate Secretary RM Pohan said that it is an honor for Damri to support Indonesia to host the FIFA tournament and the FIFA U-17 World Cup.

Furthermore, Pohan said there was a Damri shuttle transport location at Si Jalak Harupat Stadium, Bandung. He said, his party has also collaborated with the West Java Provincial Transportation Service and the Bandung Regency Transportation Service.

"Damri synergizes with the West Java Provincial Transportation Service and the Bandung Regency Transportation Service to provide shuttle services with routes," he told reporters, Jakarta, Friday, November 10.

The shuttle route provided is the Bandung Regency-Lay Bay government at Si Jalak Harupat Stadium.

The route passes several points, namely the Bandung Regency Government- Soreang-Cipatik Canal Road-Lay Bay Si Jalak Harupat Stadium.

Then, Lay Bay at Si Jalak Harupat-Pemerintah Stadium in Bandung Regency. This route goes through several points, namely Lay Bay at Si Jalak Harupat-Exit Tol Kutawaringin Timur-Exit Toll Soroja-Pemerintah, Bandung Regency.

The entire service route that operates is presented free of charge to serve spectators who want to visit watching the U-17 football match. Damri operates 30 bus fleets operating from November 11 to November 21, 2023 from 12.00 to 24.00 WIB or adjust the match schedule," he said.

Pohan said he was optimistic that this service could operate optimally, because a number of preparations for the operation had been carried out by Damri, starting from the preparation of the fleet to the frontliner on duty.

"Damri is very enthusiastic in the success of the U-17 world football championship tournament in Bandung. Hopefully, with good transportation services, Damri is expected to leave a good impression in the eyes of the community and the fans of the event," he said.

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