PONTIANAK - The Directorate General of Treasury (DJPb) of West Kalimantan Province noted that the distribution of People's Business Credit (KUR) from January - September 30, 2023 has reached IDR 2.95 trillion.
"The KUR distribution targeted 43,477 debtors. Compared to the same period in the previous year, there was a decrease. In January - September 30 ,2022, KUR distribution reached IDR 3.915 trillion," said Head of West Kalimantan DJPb Kukuh Sumardono Basuki, quoted from ANTARA, Monday, November 6.
Of the 14 districts or cities in West Kalimantan, continued Kukuh, the dominance of KUR distribution was the same as the previous year, the largest was in Kubu Raya Regency with a total distribution of IDR 414.30 billion.
"Then Pontianak City followed with a distribution of IDR 409.65 billion. The trend of monthly KUR accumulative distribution has decreased compared to the same period the previous year, not only in West Kalimantan but in almost all regions of Indonesia," he explained.
Meanwhile, Ultra Micro (UMi) distribution up to September 30 2023 reached IDR 34.82 billion, targeting 7,805 debtors.
Sanggau Regency is the region with the largest number of UMi debtors, namely 1,402 debtors with a total disbursement of IDR 5.67 billion, followed by Pontianak City at IDR 6.43 billion.
"The trend in UMi distribution in 2023 will also experience a decline, similar to KUR distribution and this is also felt by other regions," he explained.
He said, based on the results of discussions with KUR and UMi distribution institutions as well as the OJK, several causes for the decline in KUR and UMi distribution included obstacles related to the latest KUR 2023 policy, Coordinating Ministerial Decree No. 1 of 2023 which is experienced and complained about by the public and banks.
"Debtors who have previously accessed investment credit may not receive KUR, this affects the imposition of tiered interest for repeat debtors and sanctions imposed on disbursing banks so that banks become more selective in disbursing micro KUR," he explained.
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He added that another challenge is competition with fintech which is very easy to disburse and whose publications or promotions are very up to date.
"There are many other challenges. We also received information based on the results of discussions with MSMEs, especially in 2023, KUR distribution will be lower than the previous year because MSMEs still have loans from the previous year," he explained.
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