
SnackVideo, one of the largest short video social media platforms in Indonesia, continues to realize its commitment to encourage the growth and progress of the Indonesian people in various fields. One way is to open up opportunities for collaboration with individuals, communities, and the business world, including MSMEs. This collaboration with MSMEs is a form of real support for SnackVideo to increase the number of entrepreneurs or MSME actors in Indonesia.

According to data from the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, by 2022, the entrepreneurship rate in Indonesia will still be at 3.47 percent of the total population of Indonesia. In fact, the government has a target of entrepreneurial growth to reach the ideal amount, which is 3.95 percent of the total population of Indonesia by 2024, according to what is written in Presidential Decree No. 2 of 2022 concerning National Entrepreneurship Development.

For this reason, collaboration between stakeholders and many parties is needed to encourage Indonesian entrepreneurs to grow and develop according to the target. One form of collaboration that has been carried out by SnackVideo with MSME stakeholders is the collaboration of SnackVideo with SMESCO Indonesia and the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Indonesia for the implementation of Indonesia Digital MeetUp 2023. The event which took place on 5-6 October 2023 at the SMESCO Indonesia Exhibition & Convention Hall, Jakarta, was attended by more than 3,000 potential actors and MSME actors.

Leonard Theosabrata, President Director of SMESCO Indonesia, said that currently the government is encouraging strong collaboration between MSME stakeholders and digital platform providers. Digitalization of MSMEs is an important way so that MSMEs can advance to class or scale up.

"Therefore, we really appreciate SnackVideo's support as a short video platform on Digital MeetUp 2023. SnackVideo talk show sessions with participants about the use of SnackVideo in digital marketing strategies are expected to encourage MSME players to immediately digitize so that their business can move up in class," he explained, in a written statement, Tuesday, October 31.

SnackVideo's efforts to support the growth and development of MSMEs have been going on since its presence in Indonesia, especially through the use of short videos in promotional strategies and marketing. With the right promotional strategy, the use of short videos can be an effective way to reach the target market. Moreover, in the last three years, the number of Indonesians who access short video platforms has increased very rapidly.

"Indonesia Short Video White Paper 2023", compiled by Ipsos and SnackVideo and published in March 2023, states that the penetration of short videos in everyday life of Indonesians has reached 70 percent. According to the research results, people no longer only watch short videos to spend time (56 percent) or look for entertainment (53 percent), but also for shopping needs (22 percent).

"We want MSME players to continue to advance and advance through the use of digital marketing, especially through short video content that is currently happening. SnackVideo can be the right short video platform to promote their business, because there are 43 million monthly active SnackVideo users spread throughout Indonesia, which are dominated by millennials and Gen-Z. MSME players can take advantage of the features available on SnackVideo in the successful marketing campaign implementation so that product sales can increase," said Dina Bhirawa, Head of Marketing SnackVideo Indonesia.

Currently, more and more MSME actors are making SnackVideo a platform to promote products. Throughout Quarter 3 (July-September) 2023, there was an increase in the number of MSMEs promoting their products on SnackVideo by 135 percent. This increase occurred because more and more MSME players saw that SnackVideo was an effective short video platform choice in promoting products. Apart from the characteristics of short video content on SnackVideo relevant to the daily lives of Indonesians, the team from SnackVideo will also assist in implementing promotional and marketing strategies.

"When there are MSME players who want to promote their business on SnackVideo, our team will help so that the promotion strategy can be right on target. For example, by helping to select SnackVideo users with the most appropriate demographics for MSMEs who are our clients, including age, gender, and geography. Apart from that, unlike other platforms, we also ensure that our team can swiftly and quickly provide solutions and input for clients if they face problems, so that promotions run effectively and clients are satisfied with the services we provide," explained Dina.

The benefits of promoting products through SnackVideo in the form of short videos have been felt by many MSME actors. In Quarter 3, SnackVideo noted the top 9 MSMEs that have experienced an increase in product sales after promoting their products on SnackVideo. The nine MSMEs include:

1. Ali Ridlo from the e-commerce, retail, and consumer packaged goods.2. PT Erhanesia Digima Mukitama from the herbal and medicine categories.3. Dwi Ari Wibowo from the herbal and medicine categories.4. PT All Maju Sukses (Imba) from the telecommunication and media categories.5. CV Sastro Digital Asia from the skincare, herbal, and medicine categories.6. Bayu Pebrianto (Ivaamedia) from the home application and fashion categories.7. Robi Husnul Hakim from the skincare and cosmetic categories.8. Rizki from the health and medicine categories.9. M. Akhsanul Kholikin from the e-commerce, retail, and consumer packaged goods categories.

Herry Nugraha from PT Erhanesia Digima Mukitama (Erdigma) stated that they had made various advantages during their promotion through SnackVideo.

"With the promotion of using short video content on SnackVideo, we can reach potential markets from all corners of Indonesia effectively at relatively affordable costs. In addition, the team from SnackVideo regularly provides updates on the promotional program from Erdigma, so we have data to be a reference for the right promotional strategy. The team from SnackVideo will also respond quickly if we need assistance related to our promotional strategy," he said.

For MSME players who want to implement digital marketing strategies and carry out business promotions on SnackVideo, the first thing to do is to actively create content that is interesting and relevant to the products sold. Second, MSME players must know the most appropriate time to upload short video content according to their target market.

Third, more often live streaming and actively communicating with followers, especially in followers who ask about the products offered. Then the fourth strategy, MSME players who use SnackVideo can also re-upload the testimonials given by consumers so that this can also increase consumer trust in products.

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