
JAKARTA - The National Corruption Watch (NCW) highlighted the series of corruption cases that continue to occur in the country. NCW said that Indonesia's corruption storms occurred from the lowest level in the region to high state officials such as ministers who were under the leadership of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

NCW Chairman Hanifa Sutrisna said corruption cases involving ministers in Jokowi's Cabinet had shown how weak leadership was in preventing corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) practices from presidential aides.

"It seems that they cannot control it. Let alone to eradicate, to prevent and prevent corruption in ministries and institutions under which it is very weak," said Hanifa at a press conference at the NCW DPP office, Jakarta, Monday, October 9.

According to him, so far there have been five Jokowi ministers from two cabinet periods who stumbled on corruption cases. Four of them have received verdicts, namely Juliari Batubara, Edhy Prabowo, Imam Nahrawi, and Muhammad Idrus Marham.

Meanwhile, Johnny G. Plate is still undergoing trial. Most recently, there was former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo who was named a suspect.

Despite law enforcement on a number of ministers, Hanifa assessed that law enforcement in the circle of power is still thick with the nuances of selective slashing.

"NCW sees that selective logging practices are still happening and the omission of the elements involved in corruption is clear," he said.

In the two periods of President Jokowi, said Hanifa, it was clear that law enforcement was blunt to a number of ministerial personnel. A number of cases that had emerged to the public regarding indications of their corruption so far have no clear fate of their resolution.

"Currently, no further investigation is being followed up. After an examination, no further investigation was carried out," he said.

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