JAKARTA - Head of the BKF State Budget Policy Center of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), Wahyu Utomo, said that the 2024 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) was designed for economic transformation. The main goal to be achieved is to realize the vision of an advanced Indonesia in 2045.
He said that inflation needs to be controlled in order to maintain economic stability and the government also targets extreme poverty to fall to 0 percent to 1 percent by 2024.
It is known that the 2024 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) has been passed into law at the DPR RI Plenary Meeting, last Thursday, September 21.
In addition, the Government set state revenues of IDR 2,802.3 trillion, state expenditures of IDR 3,325.1 trillion and deficits of IDR 522.8 trillion or 2.29 percent of GDP.
"We want to change the productivity of low to high. We want to change economic activity with low added value, to high," Wahyu said in his statement seen on Sunday, September 24.
Then, reduce the stunting prevalence rate. Now it's 21%, our target is only 14% in 2024. Then we will encourage investment. To encourage high and strong economic growth, you can't just rely on consumption, in the future you have to excite investment," he continued.
Wahyu said the Government implemented a medium-term strategy, namely encouraging the transformation of human resources (HR).
Furthermore, through the 2024 State Budget, the government strives to create superior, productive, innovative, integrity and prosperous Indonesian human resources.
"Making people more compatible with progress, more innovative, productive. With people who are healthy body and soul, they are more productive," he said.
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In addition, the government is also trying to increase added value to Indonesia's natural resources, one of which is through a downstream scheme. So that later it will create economic growth and absorb labor.
"We use it so that the SDA has high value. The hope is that it will create economic growth, absorb labor. Finally, growth can be accelerated," he concluded.
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