
PT PLN (Persero) deployed 955 personnel to secure the electricity system during the ASEAN 43rd Summit which will take place on September 5, 2023 in Jakarta.

"We have deployed 955 personnel who are ready to provide electricity security, move quickly to meet customer services and maintain SPKLU for 24 hours," said PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo in his remarks at the Electricity Alert Apple on Thursday, August 31.

Darmawan added that PLN prepared 4 (four) layers of supply schemes for 6 main venue locations and 2 airports, as well as 2 (two) layers for 19 hotels where the ASEAN Summit delegates were staying.

PLN has also prepared supporting tools in the form of 11 Mobile Substation Units with a total capacity of 7,940 kVA and 9 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) with a total capacity of 2,980 kVA, as well as building the ASEAN Electricity Control Center Summit as the electricity command center.

In addition to the electricity system, PLN is preparing a complete electric vehicle charging infrastructure. PLN has prepared 79 EV charging, namely 74 Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) and 5 Public Electric Charging Stations (SPLU).

"This infrastructure is specially prepared to meet the needs of 560 electric cars and 240 electric motorcycles used during the ASEAN Summit," Darmawan explained.

Not only that, dozens of Troops in Voltage Conditions (PDKB) who are elite PLN troops are also on standby to secure the electricity supply of the ASEAN Summit. Officers who have this special capability are alerted 24 hours during the event.

Darmawan explained, armed with experience in various events, starting from the G20, Christmas and New Year's Celebration, Eid al-Fitr, to the ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo, the capacity of the PLN team is getting more capable. How to work and make decisions is more solid and responsive.

"Usually for events like this the preparation is months, but with the experience we have, preparations at the ASEAN Summit are only less than one month away. We have imposed an electricity alert period from August 25 to September 7, 2023 by ensuring the generating, transmission and distribution system, so that all personnel are ready to make this summit a success," said Darmawan.

Untuk pembangunan yang memasok sistem Jakarta saat ini Hari Operasional Pembangkit (HOP) di atas 15 hari.

A total of 13 substations that became the backbone of the transmission network were in a prime and uninterrupted position.

"PLN also implements anti-blackout protocols and we carry out a responseive load management system through automatic tuning from one system to another. So that the entire network system is in a secure position," said Darmawan.

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