
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) regulates sea space utilization activities in Lhoknga, Aceh Besar District, Aceh Province.

Control is carried out on one of the resorts suspected of operating without pocketing an Approval document for the Compliance of Marine Spatial Utilization Activities (PKKPRL).

Director General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision (PSDKP), Adin Nurawaluddin said, based on the results of supervision carried out by the Special Police for Coastal and Small Islands Management (PWP3K Police) Lampulo PSDKP Base, there was an utilization of approximately 90 square meters of marine space belonging to the CV EM Resort which had not yet been equipped with PKKPRL documents.

"There is a restaurant building above the sea that does not yet have a PKKPRL permit," Adin said in his official statement, quoted Monday, August 28.

Adin revealed that although the resort has a location permit issued by the Regent of Aceh Besar which is still valid until now. However, the resort does not yet have a PKKPRL permit, which is also a basic requirement for business licensing that must be met.

This is in line with Law (UU) Number 6 of 2023 concerning Stipulation of Government Regulations in Lieu of Law Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation into a law, where everyone who makes use of space from coastal waters must fulfill business licensing related to utilization at sea from the central government.

Therefore, anyone who makes permanent use of marine space that does not have business licenses related to utilization at sea can be subject to administrative sanctions in the form of written warnings, temporary suspension of activities, location closure, revocation of business licensing, cancellation of business licensing and/or administrative fines.

Meanwhile, for anyone who uses the sea space on a permanent basis who does not have business licenses related to utilization at sea which results in changes in the function of space, is sentenced to a maximum of six years in prison and a maximum fine of Rp. 20 billion.

"In accordance with applicable regulations, everyone who carries out sea space utilization activities in coastal waters, territorial waters, and jurisdictions in part of the sea space, must fulfill the licensing for the Compliance of Marine Spatial Utilization Activities (KKPRL)," said Adin.

Adin emphasized that the importance of PKKPRL permits for every space utilization activity is solely to maintain ecological sustainability, so that the development carried out in order to meet the needs of today does not sacrifice future generations.

"In fulfilling this PKKPRL document, several studies will be carried out, such as the condition of the ecosystem, hydro oceanography, to the estimated impact of what will occur in these waters if sea space utilization activities are carried out,"

If, business actors do not fulfill the PKKPRL document, sea space utilization activities will not be monitored for their ecological impacts.

Regarding this case, the PWP3K Police will summon the management of the CV EM Resort for further questioning.

Previously, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KP) Sakti Wahyu Trenggono said, through the Blue Economy or Blue Economy policy, his party ensured that development in the marine sector would be carried out in a sustainable manner in accordance with the principles of marine space management, which was carried out starting from planning, utilization, control, and monitoring of marine space.

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