
Bank Mandiri reiterated its role as a development agent by providing access and introducing financial services to the public. Coinciding with Indonesia Savings Day 2023, Bank Mandiri took part by educating more than 15,000 students throughout Indonesia.

Bank Mandiri SVP Retail Deposit Products and Solution Evi Dempowati explained that this initiative is a form of Bank Mandiri's commitment to improve the culture of saving from an early age which is able to foster financial literacy and inclusion among students. This effort is also in line with the One Account One Student Program (KEJAR) initiated by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

This is because the KEJAR Program is a form of implementation of Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 26 of 2019 concerning Indonesian Savings Day, with the aim that students in Indonesia have an account so that the culture of saving at formal Financial Services Institutions (LJK) can be carried out early on. Through the KEJAR Program, it is hoped that the financial inclusion rate will reach 90 percent by 2024.

"Saving culture is not only a habit, but also an investment in the sustainability of the younger generation in the future. By instilling this culture, we believe this is a door for the younger generation to manage finances wisely and realize an inclusive generation," said Evi in his official statement, Wednesday, August 16.

Through a series of initiatives that have been carried out by Bank Mandiri, the rate of account development for customers or Student Deposits (SimPel) has also increased. It is recorded that since early 2023 until the end of July 2023 the total increase in SimPel accounts at Bank Mandiri has reached 41 thousand accounts.

With this achievement, the total outstanding SimPel account at the bank codenamed BMRI has reached more than 600 thousand accounts by mid-August 2023.

"This increase occurred in all working areas or the Bank Mandiri region, especially in the areas of Sulawesi, Maluku and East Java," he added.

In addition, continued Evi, in order to welcome Indonesia's Day of Saving 2023, Bank Mandiri also held several initiatives ranging from massive opening of student accounts, 2023 KEJAR Awards activities, and Bank Goes to School/Campus activities. The series of socialization and education activities organized by Bank Mandiri received a positive response and enthusiasm for saving, as seen from the opening of 16,000 Bank Mandiri SimPel during the socialization period in July 2023 to August 11, 2023.

For information, the Independent Student Savings Savings (SimPel) is specifically intended for Indonesian students who are published nationally in the context of education and financial inclusion to encourage the culture of saving from an early age.

By opening an Independent SimPel Savings account, students will get various benefits ranging from easy digital account opening via e-form, light initial deposit, free monthly admin fees, to easy transactions at Mandiri ATMs.

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