
YOGYAKARTA Prepare children's education funds need to be done as early as possible. This is because children's education costs always increase by 10 percent to 15 percent every year. Well, one way to prepare children's education funds is to invest. Here are a variety of investment options for children's education funds.

1. Gold investment

Gold can be an investment option to prepare children's education funds because its value tends to increase from year to year. In addition, gold is also easy to disburse if you are in urgent need of funds. This means that gold can be the right alternative besides emergency funds.

The following is a gold investment strategy to prepare children's education funds:

2. Mutual fund investment

Recommendations for investment instruments for children's education funds are mutual funds. This type of investment can provide greater profits which of course can cover children's education costs that always increase from year to year.

Here are some strategies so that your investment in mutual funds can generate maximum money:

3. Invest in deposits

Deposito is a type of investment instrument that you can choose to prepare children's education funds. Deposito offers yields ranging from 4 percent to 6 percent per year.

If you deposit Rp100 million and interest rate 5 percent per year, the total will be Rp110 million in 2 years before deducting other costs.

Deposit investment is very suitable for short-term needs. You can make this investment an alternative to financing small or moderate amounts of needs, such as paying for books, new uniforms, or child tutoring.

That's the information about investment options for children's education funds. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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