
YOGYAKARTA How long is credit said to be stuck? The status of smooth installment payments, including how long credit is said to be stuck, can be seen from the record of credit collectibility.

Quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), collectibility is a classification of the status of the payment of interest installments or principal installments and credit interest by debtors and the level of possibility of being received back.

As mentioned above, the status of smooth installment payments can be known from the credit collectibility record.

Based on the provisions of Bank Indonesia, the collectibility of a loan can be grouped into five groups, including:

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that a credit loan is said to be bad if the debtor is in arrears of principal and/or interest payments for more than 180 days.

Bad credit is an incident when loan recipients (debtors) are unable to pay off debts for more than 180 days.

Bad credit can have a negative impact on credit recipients, such as:

Cara mengatasi kredit macet dapat dilakukan dengan mengajukan restrukturisasi kepada lembaga keuangan yang memberikan pinjaman.

In this regard, there are three types of restructuring that can be given to debtors who are in bad credit conditions, including:

This information about how long credit is said to be stuck. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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