
YOGYAKARTA - The government is trying to solve the problem of backlogs to meet the needs of decent houses in Indonesia. Until now, the backlog or gap in people's home ownership has reached 12.71 million. So what is the backlog of the house and how to overcome it?

Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) stated that the government has targeted to increase access to decent houses by 2024, from 56 percent to 70 percent.

The big challenge in meeting the needs of houses in Indonesia is the number of backlogs for house ownership in Indonesia reaching 12.71 million units. Meanwhile, the growth of families has only reached 700 thousand to 800 thousand per year," said the Minister of PUPR in a written speech during the Simultaneous Mass Akad Ceremony of BTN Bank KPR and the Opening of the 2023 National Housing Day Series, in Tangerang on Tuesday (8/8/2023).

However, efforts to increase livable houses to overcome these backlogs face the high challenges of the growth rate of new families.

Backlog is an indicator used by the government to calculate the needs of houses in Indonesia. Meanwhile, in the world of property, the term backlog means that the gap between total housing is built and the number of houses needed by the people.

There is a difference in understanding between the backlog of the house according to the Ministry of PUPR and the version of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The backlog referred to by the Ministry of PUPR is the gap condition based on the number of uninhabitable houses. So if there are families living in rented residences, then they are not included in the backlog.

Meanwhile, according to BPS' view, backlog is a condition that occurs referring to the property. If there are people who occupy livable houses but rent them, then they are still considered a backlog.

The gap in livable houses or backlogs can occur due to a number of factors. Here are some of the causes of backlog:

The backlog of the house will be a serious and prolonged problem related to the welfare of the community if it continues to be ignored and not immediately resolved. The Director General of Housing at the Ministry of PUPR, Iwan Suprijanto, assessed that in order to overcome the backlog of the house, it is necessary to cooperate between the central government and local governments.

Through the Ministry of PUPR, the government has several ways to overcome backlog, as follows:

The One Million Houses program is one of the government's efforts to overcome the backlog of houses. As of July 2022, the government has built 544,845 housing units as part of this program. This achievement consists of the construction of low-income houses (MBR) and non-MBR houses in various regions.

Another way that the government is doing to solve the problem of backloging is by providing assistance in housing financing. The assistance for low-income people is provided through the FLPP mortgage scheme, down payment assistance, to the interest difference subsidy program.

The government also provides community-based housing programs to overcome the backlog of homes. This program is intended for certain professional communities that do not yet have housing. In carrying out this program, cooperation is carried out between the Ministry of PUPR, local governments, local developers, and banks.

Demikianlah review tentang apa itu backlog rumah dan cara mengatasinya. Presiden Jokowi mendorong persatuan perusahaan Real Estate Indonesia (REI) untuk memanfaatkan peluang backlog agar bisa dikerjakan untuk menyediakan rumah layak hunian bagi rakyat.

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