
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has passed through the Directorate General of Electricity (Ditjen Gatrik) to issue new rates and service costs for charging at Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU).

The Director General of Electricity, Jisman Hutajulu, said that in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 01 of 2023 concerning the Provision of Electricity Charging Infrastructure for Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicles (KBLBB), electric vehicle owners can be charged with charging services for each single electric charge at SPKLU Fast Charging or Ultrafast Charging.

Jisman said that the cost of the service is an incentive for SPKLU Business Entities to continue to develop and increase SPKLU Fast Charging and Ultrafast Charging so that it will make it easier for KBLBB owners to charge and support the development of the KBLBB ecosystem.

"The amount of electricity charging service costs for SPKLU Fast Charging is at most Rp. 25,000. Meanwhile, Ultrafast Charging is at most Rp. 57,000. The cost of this service is silicing or maximum limitation and is imposed for every 1 (one) times charging," explained Jisman, quoted on Tuesday, August 1.

Furthermore, Jisman mentioned that SPKLU business entities can apply service costs under the Determination of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, with the consideration and strategy of each Business Entity. The amount of service costs is evaluated every two years, to see the economy and the reasonableness of costs.

It is known that currently there are 129 SPKLU Fast Charging units and 47 SPKLU Ultrafast Charging units.

"Hopefully, with the cost of this service, there will be more SPKLU Fast and Ultrafast Charging units, especially on long-distance routes such as toll roads, national roads, and others," said Jisman.

Jisman said that accelerating the development of the KBLBB ecosystem requires cooperation efforts between various parties. He said the Central Government and Regional Governments through various policies issued could plan and facilitate the development of SPKLU & SPBKLU in strategic locations, such as parking spaces or other public transportation areas to increase the availability and accessibility of KBLBB.

"The Central and Regional Governments can also act as facilitators in building partnerships with the private sector," he said.

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