
JAKARTA - The Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) emphasized the importance of providing clean water and sanitation infrastructure to prevent stunting or growth disorders in children under five.

"If Indonesian children do not get clean water and good sanitation will be at risk of stunting, this should be avoided. Therefore, the government is aggressively implementing a clean water and sanitation supply program," Basuki said in his official statement, Monday, July 24.

He said the support related to the provision of clean water and sanitation infrastructure would be carried out by the Directorate General of Human Settlements, namely through the Community-Based Water Supply and Sanitation Program (Pamsimas) and Community-Based Sanitation (Sanimas).

The implementation of Community-Based Infrastructure (IBM) activities aims to distribute the people's infrastructure budget to villages/losok, as well as encourage the community's economy and expand employment opportunities.

Based on the Decree of the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency regarding the determination of the location of the focus of stunting reduction intervention, the provision of public-based clean water and sanitation infrastructure in 2023, is planned to spread in 246 districts/cities in 12 provinces with a special acceleration scheme.

This year, support for the handling of stunting at the Ministry of PUPR is carried out in stages through the Pamsimas program in 964 villages with a budget of IDR 385.6 billion.

As for the Sanimas of the Local Domestic Waste Treatment System (SPALD-S) spread over 1,890 villages with a total budget of Rp661.5 billion. This program will target 66,150 families (KK) and 28,350 workers.

For your information, the Pamsimas and Sanimas programs contribute to preventing stunting through sensitive interventions or indirect influences, namely by providing drinking water and sanitation facilities.

In addition to providing adequate sanitation facilities and infrastructure in the form of latrine construction and individual and communal septic tanks, SPALD-S Sanimas activities also encourage changes in clean and healthy living behavior.

Prevention of stunting by providing clean water and sanitation facilities is a National Priority Program carried out by the Directorate General of Human Settlements of the Ministry of PUPR

From 2018 to 2022, Pamsimas program support has been implemented in 1,781 locations with a budget of Rp559 billion and Sanimas in 4,099 locations with a budget of Rp1.8 trillion.

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