
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is gradually continuing to complete the infrastructure development of the National Strategic Project (PSN) in Central Java Province.

This settlement is carried out so that the nation's competitiveness increases and spurs national and regional economic growth which has an impact on sustainable or sustainable community welfare.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said, based on the Regulation of the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Number 21 of 2022, there were 14 PSNs in Central Java carried out by the Ministry of PUPR, namely 6 dams, 1 irrigation network, 4 toll roads, 2 Drinking Water Supply Systems (SPAM), and basic infrastructure supporting the Batang Integrated Industrial Zone (KIT).

"The dam that has entered PSN in Central Java has been completed by the Pidekso Dam in Wonogiri Regency which has been flooded since 2021 and the Randugunting Dam in Blora Regency which has also been flooded," Minister Basuki said at a virtual Coordination Meeting (Rakor) on PSN Development in Central Java, on Monday, July 17.

The Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto and also attended by Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, Deputy Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Raja Juli Antoni, Secretary General of the Ministry of Transportation Novie Riyanto, Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo, and representatives from ministries/agencies.

Minister Basuki added that the other three PSN dams in Central Java are currently in the construction stage, namely the Jlantah Dam in Karanganyar Regency, Bener Dam in Purworejo Regency and Jragung Dam in Semarang Regency, as well as 1 preparatory dam, namely the Karangnongko Dam in Blora Regency.

"All three dams that have been construction, God willing, will be completed in 2024, because the Karangnongko Dam is new, God willing, start physical work in 2023 and it is hoped that 2026 will be completed. Currently, we are still implementing it and I think it can still be carried out through PSN," said Basuki.

Another PSN infrastructure that has been completed in Central Java is West Semarang SPAM which has benefits to improve drinking water services by 70,000 house connections (SR) with a capacity of 1,000 liters/second.

The raw water source SPAM West Semarang comes from the Jatibarang Dam which is distributed through the 2,500-meter raw water piping network and the distribution pipeline network (mainstay and divisor) along 53,500 meters.

In addition to the three dams in the process, said Basuki, in Central Java, 6 PSN infrastructures are also being completed in the construction stage, namely the Irrigation Network for the Glapan Irrigation Area with a target of completion in 2024, the Yogyakarta-Bawen Toll Road.

Then, the Solo-Yogyakarta-YIA Airport (Yogyakarta International Airport) Kulon Progo Toll Road, Semarang-Demak Toll Road, Wosusokas SPAM (Wonogiri, Surakarta, Sukoharjo and Karanganyar), and KIT Batang infrastructure support in the form of Water Processing Installation (IPA) and Wastewater Processing Installation (IPAL) work.

"The construction of the Solo-Yogyakarta Toll Road for the Central Java region is targeted for completion in 2024 to Purwomartani, so it has passed Klaten," he said.

Nationally until July 2023, the Ministry of PUPR has completed 34 PSN infrastructures covering 21 dams, 9 toll roads, 3 SPAM, and 1 education sector.

Currently, 71 PSN are being carried out covering the Water Resources sector as many as 26 dams, 8 irrigation networks, 1 beach embankment, 1 raw water supply; the Bina Marga sector as many as 29 toll roads, 2 SPAM for Cipta Karya and Jakarta Sewerage System, 2 PSN for Housing, and support for the KIT Batang area.

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