
YOGYAKARTA - In 2022, the National Health Insurance program - Healthy Indonesia Card (JKN-KIS) plans to change the implementation of service classes in health facilities. The change is divided into grades 1, 2, and 3 are standard hospitalization classes (KRIS) or single classes. Curious and looking to get to know KRIS JKN?

KRIS JKN itself is a mandate from Law No. 40 of 2004 concerning the National Social Security System (SJSN). Article 19 paragraph(1) states, "Health insurance is held nationally sourced in social insurance principles as well as equity principles". After that in article 23 paragraph(4), in terms of members requiring hospitalization, until the class of services at the hospital is given to be sourced in the standard class.

The government after that also issued Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 64 of 2020 concerning the Second Substitution of Presidential Regulation 82/2018 concerning Health Insurance. Article 54A, For the sustainability of Health Insurance funding, ministers together with relevant ministries/agencies, professional organizations, and health facility associations conduct a review of the health insurance benefits according to basic health needs and standard class hospitalizations no later than December 2022. Then in Article 54B, Benefits as referred to in Article 54A are implemented gradually until no later than 2022 and its implementation is carried out continuously to improve health insurance governance.

Next in Government Regulation No. 47 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Hospitalization, Article 18 states, "the number of inpatient beds for standard class hospitalization services is very few percent for central and regional government hospitals, and 40% for private hospitals. Then Article 84 letter b emphasizes, "standard class hospitalization services are implemented very slowly January 1, 2023.

Member of the National Social Security Council ( DJSN) Asih Eka Putri said that the current KRIS JKN policy is still being finalized by all stakeholders adrift of JKN-KIS. Although it will be implemented in 2022, it has not been determined exactly when KRIS will start running, as well as the amount of contributions that will later be imposed.

The implementation of standard hospitalization classes is still under planning. The decision will be outlined in the amendment to Presidential Regulation No. 82 of 2018, God willing, 2022," Asih Eka Putri told Beritasatu.com, Thursday (9/12/2021).

DJSN member Muttaqien said that the KRIS policy was based on social insurance principles and the principle of equity which was one of the principles of National Health Insurance. This means that each member of social security has something in common in obtaining services according to medical needs that are not bound by the amount of contributions that have been paid.

Muttaqien also emphasized that this standard class does not mean a minimal class, but refers to the standards that have been inaugurated. Moreover, the government at this time is very urgent so that JKN-KIS becomes a superior program and is the main option for the community.

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