
JAKARTA - President Director of Aviation and Tourism Industry Holding, InJouney Dony Oskaria, revealed the latest news regarding the consolidation plan of PT Angkasa Pura I and PT Angkasa Pura II.

He said the plan would still be carried out this year.

However, Dony emphasized that this consolidation is not to unite the company.

He explained that this corporate action was focused on restructuring operational procedures, commercial policies, organizational structures and so on.

"Well what we are doing is equalization because we have two companies (airports), it should be the same. So the important thing is the way of thinking, not the form of the company's unification," he told reporters when met at the DPR Building, Jakarta, written Friday, June 16.

Again, Dony emphasized, in this consolidation the merger of companies or mergers is not a final decision.

"This is the essence, it equates our way of thinking in airport management. So don't think later as if later it will become a company, not necessarily," he said.

On this occasion, Dony also revealed that InJourney will form four new subholdings. One of them is in the airport or airport sector.

"What is done is indeed in the roadmap of InJourney there are four subholdings. One of them is airports, Aviation Air Services," he explained.

Dony explained that the establishment of this subholding aims to make state-owned companies focus on doing their duties.

"To be more focused, so each subsidiary will be more focused, no longer doing various kinds. Later the airport will also be special, just manage the airport," he said.

For your information, Indonesian Journey or InJourney is a Tourism and Supporting BUMN Holding consisting of PT Angkasa Pura I, PT Angkasa Pura II, PT Hotel Indonesia Natour, PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko, PT Sarinah and PT Pembangunan Wisata Indonesia or ITDC.

Previously reported, Deputy Minister of BUMN II Kartika Wirjoatmodjo revealed the consolidation plan of PT Angkasa Pura I and Angkasa Pura II.

He said, his party is currently finalizing a concept related to the consolidation plan.

Furthermore, Tiko, Kartika's nickname, said that consolidation was carried out to optimize national flight services.

"We see that AP I and II operate so far, east and west, the concept is hub and speech. We want to integrate not necessarily mergers. So that the arrangement of the air hub and speech is really running optimally," he said when met at Borobudur Temple, Magelang, Central Java, written Monday, June 5.

Tiko said Indonesia itself already has two superhubs, namely Jakarta and Denpasar, Bali.

In addition, Indonesia also has other hubs, namely Surabaya, Makassar, and Medan.

According to Tiko, the existence of two airport management has prevented flights from having maximum connectivity.

Therefore, he hopes, the integration of flight routes will be more comprehensive.

With the integrability in the form of holding or merging hopes that the integration of hub n speech will be really effective. Later, we can cooperate with foreign traffic integration with domestic. If it used to be cut off as if west and east were two different managers," he explained.

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