The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has adjusted the rules for health protocols (prokes) transportation during the transition to the COVID-19 endemic.
The public may now not use masks on transportation, but with a note that they are in good health.
The latest rules are contained in the Circular (SE) regarding health protocols for domestic and foreign travelers issued by the Ministry of Transportation.
"The SE of the Ministry of Transportation refers to the SE Task Force for Handling COVID-19 Number 1 of 2023 concerning Health Protocols during the COVID-19 endemic transition which was published on June 9, 2023," said Transportation Ministry Spokesperson Adita Irawati, Monday, June 12.
Adita said the SE Task Force encourages transportation facilities and infrastructure managers to continue to make preventive and promotive efforts to control the transmission of COVID-19, and continue to monitor the implementation of health protocols to control the transmission of COVID-19.
Following up on the SE Task Force, Adita said the Ministry of Transportation issued four SEs, namely SE No. 14 (land transportation), SE No. 15 (sea transportation), SE No. 16 (air transportation), and SE No 17 (train), which will take effect on June 9, 2023.
Furthermore, Adita said the Ministry of Transportation's SE is addressed to the authorities and managers of transportation facilities and infrastructure, both on land, sea, air, and rail, as a guideline for implementing prokes for users of transportation services, both before and during travel.
In general, what is regulated in the Ministry of Transportation's SE is that passengers are advised to continue to vaccinate against COVID-19 until the second booster or fourth dose, especially for people who have a high risk of COVID-19 transmission.
"Then, passengers are allowed not to wear masks if they are in good health and are not at risk of contracting or transmitting COVID-19," said Adita.
Then, continued Adita, passengers are advised to continue to wear masks that are properly covered if they are not healthy or at risk of COVID-19.
"Furthermore, passengers are advised to continue to carry hand sanitizers and/or use soap and running water to wash their hands regularly, especially if they have been in contact with objects used simultaneously," he said.
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Meanwhile, people who are unwell and at risk of contracting or transmitting COVID-19 are advised to keep their distance or avoid crowds of people to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
"As well as passengers, it is recommended to continue to use the ONE HEALTH application to monitor personal health," he explained.
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