
JAKARTA - Bank DKI is again expanding its collaboration with strategic partners, in terms of increasing digital services to expand access to banks to the public. Most recently, Bank DKI signed a collaboration with DKI Jakarta Perbarindo DPD & Around it in terms of utilizing banking services, especially for BPR/BPRRS customers (members of DPD Perbarindo DKI Jaya & Around him) through the BPR Abank (Agen Bank) service.

The cooperation ceremony was signed in Tangerang, Monday, June 5, by the Director of Technology & Operations at Bank DKI, Amirul Wicaksono and the Chairman of DPD Perbarindo DKI Jaya & Around him, Ricardo Simatupang and Deputy Chair of DPD Perbarindo DKI Jaya & Around him, Antonius Teddy S. Also present at the ceremony were representatives of Regional Financial Services Authority 1 DKI Jakarta and Banten, Roberto Akyuwen.

Bank DKI's Director of Technology and Operations, Amirul Wicaksono, said that this collaboration is expected to provide benefits for BPR/BPRRS as well as for the community, especially in increasing financial inclusion.

"This cooperation has the potential to encourage BPR and BPRS to grow and compete through increasing fee-based income from digital-based services," said Amirul, in a written statement, Wednesday, June 7.

For information, through a collaboration between Bank DKI and members of the DKI Jakarta Perbarindo DPD & Around it, Bank DKI is ready to provide support by providing JakOne Abank facilities and service infrastructure to BPR customers to become agents who are branded as Abank (Agen Bank) BPR. Later, various transactions of BPR customers can carry out various banking transactions anytime and anywhere without the need to go to the branch office, using the Abank BPR application.

Furthermore, Amirul said, starting the collaboration, a piloting of Abank BPR will be carried out as many as 10 BPR/BPR who are currently members of DPD Perbarindo DKI Jaya & Around it with a number of features including: banking transactions (transfers between accounts, virtual accounts, Cek Saldo), payment and purchase transactions, tax transactions, Scan QRIS, transaction reporting, to interesting promotional information.

"Through the ease of digital banking services, it is hoped that the loyalty of BPR/BPRRS customers can continue to increase and continue to provide benefits of contributing to national economic growth," said Amirul.

Under the leadership of the President Director, Fidri Arnaldy, Bank DKI is adaptive to providing a variety of digital products to facilitate access to banks, one of which is in supporting MSMEs through JakOne Abank. JakOne Abank is an officeless banking service with an agency system using Mobile Point of Sale (MPOS) devices.

JakOne Abank agents can serve various transactions, including transfers between accounts, paying taxes and levies, to paying various bills and getting commissions from each transaction. Currently, the JakOne Abank application has been widely used by the public, especially MSME players as an effort to increase their business.

Bank DKI Corporate Secretary, Arie Rinaldi added, the collaboration between Bank DKI and members of DPD Perbarindo DKI Jaya & Around him is also a form of effort to increase financial inclusion, as well as evidence that Bank DKI's digital banking services are increasingly trusted to serve the wider community through collaboration with various parties.

"Bank DKI is ready to encourage growth in the performance of BPR and BPRS through collaboration in the use of banking services, considering that BPR and BPRS have a strong connection in connecting the community with the financial sector with more focused regional coverage," said Arie.

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