
JAMBI - The price of crude palm oil (CPO) Jambi Province decreased significantly by Rp. 283 per kilogram from Rp. 10,295 to Rp. 9,812 per kilogram. Meanwhile, this decline was determined by the Perumus Team for the Price of Fresh Fruit Marks (FFB) for Palm Oil, Jambi Province for the period 26 May-1 June 2023.

"The team has also agreed that the 10-20 year old palm oil price will also decrease by Rp106 per kilogram from Rp2,309 to Rp2,203 per kilogram, while the palm kernel will decrease by Rp192 per kilogram from Rp5,178 to Rp4,986 per kilogram," said Head of the Jambi Provincial Plantation Service Agusrizal, in Jambi, Saturday, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, May 27.

The price of this FFB is a price intended for farmers who have become partners of palm processing companies where the Jambi Provincial Government is currently also forming a palm oil FFB Price Monitoring Task Force in the regions.

The following is the complete information on the price of FFB in Jambi for the three-year growth age TBS set for this period of Rp. 1,736 per kilogram, four-year planting age of Rp. 1,838 per kilogram, five-year planting age of Rp. 1,924 per kilogram, six-year planting age of Rp. 2,005 per kilogram, and seven-year planting age of Rp. 2,056 per kilogram.

Then, for eight years of planting age worth Rp2,098 per kilogram, 9 years of planting age Rp2,140 per kilogram, 10 to 20 years of planting age Rp2,203 per kilogram, 21 to 24 years of age Rp2,134 per kilogram, and over 25 years of Rp2,032 per kilogram.

The decline in the prices of FFB and Cpo was known based on the results of a meeting to determine the prices of CPO, TBS, and palm kernel, which was an agreement by the formulating team in a meeting attended by entrepreneurs, cooperatives and oil palm farmer groups based on ministerial regulations and governor regulations.

The price of this FFB varies depending on the age of the various planting period. Then this price also applies to palm oil farmers who have partnered with palm oil factories.

To maintain the stability of FFB prices in Jambi, the government has advised all districts to create a team to monitor oil palm prices in their respective regions.

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