
Since being acquired by the majority of shares by PT Astra Tol Nusantara (ATN) in November 2019, PT Lintas Marga Sedaya officially has the branding name Astra Tol Cipali. Astra Tol Cipali is one of the Toll Road Business Entities (BUJT) that manages the Cikopo-Palimanan Toll Road.

By passing through five areas consisting of Purwakarta, Subang, Indramayu, Majalengka, and Cirebon, Astra Tol Cipali continues to make positive impacts in these five regions.

Through the Corporate Social and Responsibility (CSR) program consisting of four Pillar Programs (SD), Health Pillars, Environmental Pillars, and MSMEs), since 2020, Astra Tol Cipali has carried out education in the field of five Elementary Schools (SD), consisting of SDN Garawangi 3, SDN Lojikobong 2, SDN Cidenok 2, SDN Bongas Kulon 3, and SDN Bongas Wetan 2 which are located in the Sumberjaya area, Majalengka.

By cooperating with the Astra Education Foundation Michael D. Ruslim (YPA-MDR), education development programs are focused more on improving the quality of soft skills and hard skills for educators and school principals.

"As the manager of the Cipali Toll Road which passes through five regions in West Java, of course in carrying out our program we try to provide the best and maximum in each region. This year, our CSR Program is focused on the Majalengka area, but it is possible that in the following year we will also create a CSR program in other regions in accordance with the social mapping (demographic) results and the needs of each region," said Astra Toll Director Cipali Firdaus Azis in a written statement, Thursday, May 4.

Entering the third year of coaching, various achievements have begun to be made by each fostered school. The achievements consist of the emergence of outstanding teachers from SDN Garawangi 3 and SDN Bongas Wetan 2 who can compete with all teachers in Indonesia through the Teacher Learning Innovation Week (PIGUR) organized by YPAMDR.

"We are proud of the achievements that have been inscribed by both schools and teachers. In October 2022, one of our fostered teachers from SDN Garawangi 3 received the opportunity to be a speaker at the National Teacher seminar in Rote," said Firdaus.

"Not only that, the teacher also received third-ranked achievements in the PIGUR Competition," he added.

The CSR program carried out by Astra Tol Cipali is a sustainability program which is a coaching program for a period of one to five years. "It is hoped that with the coaching program carried out by Astra Tol Cipali, it will be able to have a positive impact in the form of improving the quality of education in the Majalengka area," added Firdaus.

Of course, this cannot go well and positively without the synergy of the local government, namely the Majalengka Education Office, YPA-MDR as program manager and also the most important thing is the synergy and consistency of fostered schools, school principals, and teachers to change education for the better in the Majalengka area.

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