
PT PLN (Persero) appealed to the public to be aware of all forms of fraud on behalf of PLN.

PLN Executive Vice President Corporate Communication & TJSL, Gregorius Adi Trianto said, recently there has been fraud with various modes.

"Starting from the invitation to download certain applications, surveys with prizes, box purchases of kWh meters, employee recruitment to customer photo requests," Gregorius explained to the media, Friday, April 28.

The mode carried out by officers recently, said Gregorius, is to ask customers to send themselves photos via a short message application. He emphasized that PLN has never asked for personal data or money from customers through foreign numbers that do not comply with the provisions.

"People should be careful with those who claim to be PLN officers and ask for direct payments or personal data from customers. PLN officers are always equipped with clear identities," said Gregorius.

Gregorius emphasized that PLN has never offered door-to-door services to customers, such as selling box kWh meter or new installations, with direct payment transactions at customer homes. According to him, in payment of PLN service transactions, always use register numbers or payment codes that can only be paid through an online payment point bank (PPOB) or marketplace.

To prevent fraud, Gregorius appealed to the public to recognize the characteristics of PLN officials. According to him, PLN officers are always provided with assignment letters, using identification, personal protective equipment (PPE) and work uniforms while on duty.

"PLN officers do not ask for fees for the services provided directly, all payment transactions through the Bank Online Payment Point (PPOB) system, there are no payments on the spot," he said.

Gregorius continued, if in the field the community finds people who claim to be PLN officers and ask for payments on the spot, the public should not hesitate to report them through PLN Mobile and PLN 123 Contact Center.

PLN also appealed to all people who want to access PLN services to directly use the PLN Mobile application. According to Gregorius, the application includes all official services and information from various PLN programs.

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