
JAKARTA - Anticipating a surge in fuel oil consumption (BBM) during the Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr 2023 Task Force (Satgas Rafi) PT Pertamina (Persero) decided to increase the amount of crude oil production by 1.6 million barrels of crude oil.

"To increase production, crude must increase. So there is an increase in crude 1.6 million barrels for 1 month during the RAFI Task Force," said Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati in a Hearing Meeting with Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives quoted Wednesday, April 12.

Nicke added, with the addition of 1.6 million barrels of crude oil, the previous 27.8 production increased to 29.7 million barrels of oil.

According to him, if the addition of this production is in line with the estimated increase in consumption for gasoline by 10 percent and avtur by 7.4 percent, while gasoil is expected to experience a decline in consumption because there are no industrial activities during the Eid holiday period.

With the addition of crude oil production, Pertamina also made adjustments to the type of fuel produced, namely by reducing gasoil production and increasing gasoline and avtur production.

"We adjust the products to the needs where we add gasoline, we reduce gasoil and we add avtur so that the needs during the RAFI Task Force can be met from domestic refineries," explained Nicke.

With the addition of production of this refinery, Nicke also ensures that all Pertamina refineries are ready to fully operate or 100 percent and refinery maintenance has been completed since March.

"We have carried out all maintenance long ago and must be completed before the month of Ramadan, so in March maintenance has been completed, especially at the Cilacap Refinery and TPPI (Tuban)," concluded Nicke.

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