
JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani clarified the inequality between the figures described by her party and what was conveyed by Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD regarding the alleged Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU) within the Ministry of Finance.

"We will start from the Rp3.3 trillion which we conveyed at Commission XI of the DPR versus Rp35 trillion submitted by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs at Commission III of the DPR," said Sri Mulyani at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta today on Tuesday, April 11.

The Minister of Finance explained that of the Rp35 trillion figure, there were 135 letters related to the corporation and employees of the Ministry of Finance with a nominal value of Rp22 trillion.

Then, from this IDR 22 trillion, which is a corporate transaction of IDR 18.7 trillion.

The Minister of Finance claims this is an unaffiliated transaction with Ministry of Finance employees.

"While the remaining Rp3.3 trillion is a transaction with the name of an employee of the Ministry of Finance. But this amount also includes the accumulation of employee credit debt transactions, official income, family transactions, and the sale and purchase of assets in the last 15 years or 2009 to 2023 which has been followed up," he said.

It was stated that the Rp3.3 trillion transaction was sent by PPATK through 129 letters and contained 348 names of Ministry of Finance employees.

A disciplinary punishment has been carried out for 164 employees, such as dismissal, release of positions, demotion, and reprimand. Then, 184 employees have been followed up through court verdicts, investigative audits, transfers of positions, and some have turned out to have retired or resigned or have not been proven," he said.

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