
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) together with the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) of the Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police and also related stakeholders, work together to support the security and convenience of the 2023 Eid homecoming flow.

Moreover, the Ministry of Transportation predicts that the number of travelers in Lebaran 2023 will reach 123.8 million.

This number increased by 47 percent nationally compared to the previous year.

Secretary of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Ministry of PUPR Triono Junoasmono said, in anticipation of the increase in the number of travelers, the Ministry of PUPR has prepared a 2,624 km toll road with 70 toll roads managed by 49 Toll Road Business Entities (BUJT) and spread across Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Bali.

The PUPR Ministry also has 47,602 km of national roads with 91.8 percent of them ready for use. "For toll roads, we are also preparing additional operations in Java," said Triono in a written statement, Tuesday, April 11.

The additional toll roads include Cinere-Jagorawi section 3A, Becakayu Section 2A and 2A Ujung, Semarang-Demak Section 2 which has been operated on February 25, 2023 and Krian-Legundi-Bunder-Manyer ramp 2, 4, 5, and 8 Wringinanom junctions.

"Besides that, we have also prepared 11 segments that will be functionalized during the Lebaran homecoming, namely seven segments in Java and four in Sumatra with a total length of 222 km," he said.

The PUPR Ministry is also intensely coordinating with all stakeholders, both with Korlantas Polri, other ministries/agencies, such as the Ministry of Transportation, local governments and BUJT by conducting joint surveys to ensure that toll roads operating are suitable and safe for use.

"Currently, we are still completing several repairs and widening of the road that we will target to complete at D-10 Lebaran. After that, all heavy equipment will be removed, so road users can use the road directly," said Triono.

The BPJT secretary added that regarding the 11 toll roads that will be functionalized, there are still several things that need to be anticipated, namely the lack of street lighting, or lack of complete facilities, such as rest areas.

So that the 11 segments cannot be fully functionalized.

"For example, the Cisumdawu Toll Road that we will function only from morning to noon because it is not complete, but later on these 11 sections we will prepare a temporary rest area with toilet facilities, mobile fuel and also a simple food and drink substation," he said.

"We will also prepare a temporary rest area on the Cikampek-Palimanan toll road KM 81 A and B. Hopefully it can accommodate traffic flow on toll roads," added Triono.

Not only that, continued Triono, the Ministry of PUPR will also add 2,833 additional toilet mobiles from the existing number of 6,175 toilets, so that the total mobile toilets prepared are around 9,000.

Later, the PUPR Ministry will also provide additional facilities, in the form of a Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU) in the rest area of Java Island, precisely at KM 13 A on the Jakarta-Merak route.

Meanwhile, the Jakarta-Probolinggo route is located on KM 6B, KM 208B, KM 389B, KM 456B, KM 519B, KM 616B, KM 207A, KM 379A, KM 519A, KM 626A, and KM 695A. Then, from Jakarta to Merak, the Ministry of PUPR is working with ASDP to provide tickets for ticket purchases for ferry crossings at rest areas of KM 43 and KM 68.

To minimize the occurrence of natural disasters, the Ministry of PUPR has also prepared a Disaster Response Team at standby posts that are ready to anticipate emergency conditions, such as floods, puddles, landslides, etc.

"In improving toll road operational services, we have prepared a mobile reader transaction service so that the queue is not too long. The transaction substation also operates fully and prepares 24-hour generators," he said.

Other supports are carried out, namely by increasing aesthetics or beautification and landscaping of toll roads, as well as providing toll road applications called Toll Kita.

Through this application, the public can check via cellphone regarding traffic conditions and weather forecasts, call centers, toll road maps, toll rates, and rest area location points.

Triono hopes that, with the roads, bridges and other support that has been carried out by the Ministry of PUPR, the community can use it well.

"We also urge you to pay attention to safety, don't let the road run well, but the speed limit is not noticed by motorists. If you are tired, you can also rest at the standby post that we have prepared, both on toll roads and non-toll roads," he concluded.

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