
JAKARTA - PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk through the sub-holding of PT Jasamarga Transjawa Tol (JTT) has successfully completed the widening of one lane on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road, from three to four lanes in both directions.

Jasa Marga President Director Subakti Syukur said the route that was widened was precisely at Km 50 to Km 66 towards Cikampek and at Km 61 to Km 50 towards Jakarta.

On Friday, Jasa Marga held an open traffic at the location as a form of improving services to the community which also coincided with the long holiday of the Death of Isa Al-Masih.

Currently, said Subakti, users of the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road can feel the benefits of increasing the capacity of one lane in both directions to the maximum because the project locations previously limited by the current concrete barrier have been lifted, so that the lanes one and shoulder of the road can fully operate.

Not only on the road, the widening of four bridges at Km 50, Km 53, Km 57 and Km 62 has also been completed. We hope that this open traffic will also provide socialization to the public that the widening of one lane on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road is one solution to reduce the density that has the potential to occur at Km 48 towards Cikampek," he said in an official statement, Monday, April 10.

Subakti explained that Km 48 towards Cikampek has the potential for congestion because it is a traffic meeting from Jalan Layang MBZ with the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road.

"As well as Dawuan Km 66 towards Jakarta, which is a traffic meeting from the Trans Java Toll Road and the Cipularang Toll Road," he said.

Meanwhile, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi explained that the widening of the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road is expected to break the congestion that often occurs at Km 66 of the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road.

"Currently, we are conducting a review of the widening of the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road, precisely at Km 61 to Km 50 towards Jakarta, which is expected to unravel the accumulation of vehicles returning from Central Java and East Java as well as those from Bandung and its surroundings," said Budi.

Not only in the direction of Jakarta, continued Budi, this widening of the toll road is also carried out in the opposite direction. So that it can support the flow of homecoming and return to more optimally.

In line with the Minister of Transportation, Minister of PUPR, M. Basuki Hadimuljono said that the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road widening project is one of Jasa Marga's priority government projects.

We have worked on the widening work of the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road towards Jakarta and successfully supported the backflow of Lebaran last year. This year, we will continue this widening work for those towards Cikampek, so that currently in both directions it has a total of four lanes. This of course will help break down the density and facilitate traffic flow management during homecoming and return this year," said Basuki.

For your information, this widening of the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road is one of Jasa Marga's preparations to anticipate a surge in traffic volume.

With the addition of one lane, and based on the calculation of traffic indicators through Traffic Counting, Jasa Marga has proposed that one of the traffic engineering implemented on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road be contraflow.

This is also to provide access for users of the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road to the Cipularang Toll Road or vice versa.

Jasa Marga also appealed to people who will travel back and forth via toll roads to ensure travel readiness, including meeting travel requirements, ensuring the condition of the driver and vehicle is in prime condition and roadworthy, preparing supplies, ensuring sufficient fuel and electronic money balance.

Obey signs and directions from officers in the field and always be disciplined in terms of driving on toll roads.

Use time wisely by not lingering in the rest area and always implementing health protocols.

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