
The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) reported that the proceeds from the sale of the Retail Sukuk series SR018T3 (Tensor 3 Years) and the SR018T5 (Tenor 5 Years) series reached IDR 21.4 trillion from the offer period 3 March 29, 2023.

The Director General of Financing and Risk Management of the Ministry of Finance revealed that the Retail Sukuk series SR018T3 and SR018T5 used the Ijarah Asset to be Leated contract, using State Property (BMN) and the 2023 State Budget Project as an underlying asset.

"The issuance of the SR018 is the first retail SBSN instrument in 2023," he said in a written statement on Thursday, April 6.

It was stated that Sukuk Retail series SR018T3 (Tensor 3 Years) and series SR018T5 (Tenor 5 Years) offered a fixed reward / coupon rate of 6.25 percent per year for SR018T3 and 6.40 percent per year for SR018T5.

"Terbukti, animo masyarakat cukup tinggi untuk berinvestasi di SR018. Antusias masyarakat juga terlihat dari keikutaan dalam kegiatan edukasi yang dilaksanakan baik secara offline maupun online selama masa penawaran SR018," tuturnya.

He added that the sales of SR018 this time were supported by campaigns and offline educational activities to the community on the islands of Java and Sulawesi and the optimization of social media.

"Based on gender, both SR018T3 and SR018T5 are dominated by female investors by 56.86 percent and 51.31 percent, respectively," he said.

Furthermore, the issuance of the Retail SBN instrument is part of the government's efforts to deepen the domestic financial market.

"This step also expands the base of investors, especially retail investors and supports the shift of society from saving society to investment society," concluded the Director General of Financing.

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