
PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk won the Indonesia Corporate Secretary & Communication Award (ICCA) VIII 2023 category of Islamic banks with assets above IDR 50 trillion. The award ceremony organized by the Economic Review magazine was held on Wednesday, April 5, 2023 in Jakarta.

This appreciation is given to companies that are considered capable of planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating corporate secretary and corporate communication strategies and are able to prove their effectiveness in the development of the company's reputation.

Bank Muamalat Hayunaji's Corporate Secretary said the digital era made the communication paradigm also change and the demands for transparency in the business world were increasingly complex and fast. Therefore, the company must quickly adapt so that the reputation of the company that has been built can be maintained.

This award is a form of external recognition for the efforts we have made in building and maintaining Bank Muamalat's reputation. We will make this appreciation an encouragement so that in the future we can continue to maximize performance even better," he said, in a written statement, Thursday, April 6.

He added that his party will ensure the function of corporate secretaries and corporate communications to always carry out company communication effectively, comply with regulations, maintain the company's reputation, manage crises, and actively interact with stakeholders in the digital era.

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