
JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani has just officially appointed the Tax Supervisory Committee (Komwasjak) for the 2023-2026 working period chaired by Amien Sunaryadi and deputy chairman Zainal Arifin Mochtar.

According to the Minister of Finance, it is here to provide a sense of justice for taxpayers by receiving tax complaints from external parties from the Ministry of Finance, where the complaint continues to be monitored for follow-up recommendations and settlements by related parties.

"For this reason, Komwasjak must work together and cooperate with tax agencies in carrying out its duties to realize Indonesia's policies and tax administration that are getting better," he said as reported by the official website on Tuesday, April 4.

The Minister of Finance explained, through his very strategic role, Komwasjak is committed to continuing to maintain integrity and credibility.

"The presence of Mr. Amien and Mr. Zainal from professional circles and academics is expected to provide a new color and energy for Komwasjak to provide more constructive thoughts and perspectives through his knowledge, competence, and experience," he said.

The Minister of Finance added that the public was also asked to take part in maintaining and supervising Indonesia's taxation so that it could continue to work with integrity and professionalism.

"This is important in order to carry out all preventive and corrective steps with accountability and transparency, and to continue to maintain public trust," he stressed.

For information, the Tax Supervisory Committee as a non-structural committee is independent and directly based under the Minister of Finance who has the task of supervising and providing strategic recommendations.

Komwasjak itself began to be stipulated for the first time in 2008 which is the mandate of Law No. 28 of 2007 concerning Tax Provisions and Procedures.

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