
JAKARTA - Electric Motor Manufacturing (Molis), namely Gesits, Alva and Volta welcome efforts to collaborate on the standardization of battery devices. This was demonstrated by the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding for Ecosystem Development (Based Battery Electric Motor Vehicles (KBLBB) in Jakarta on Tuesday, March 28.

President Director of PT WIKA Industri Manufacturing (Gesits), Bernardi Djumiril appreciated the collaborative efforts in accelerating the EV ecosystem.

"Frankly, the three of us just got together very grateful, if we used to remember 25 years ago there was Motorola, Siemens, and everything went hand in hand. Well, now that we are showing that these three manufacturers, we are compact to create battery standardization," Bernardi told the media quoted on Thursday, March 30.

The same thing was conveyed by the President Director of PT Energi Always Baru (Volta) Abraham Theofilus. He said with the same battery standardization, consumers would be easier when they wanted to charge or replace their electric motorcycle batteries.

"Later, if everything is different, we have our own battery change system, Alva has his own, then from Gesits also has our own. It's a good idea for us to collaborate with the same standard, so consumers are also not confused," he said.

On the other hand, President Director of PT Electra Mobilitas Indonesia (Alva), Rahmat Septriwan revealed that the competition will naturally continue, but the most important thing is collaboration from all parties.

"This is a very appropriate step, we think as a supporter of the government program, we see that Indonesia has enormous potential. And with this collaboration, we are expected to make it happen faster and better for our society," said Rahmat.

On the same occasion, PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo explained that batteries are the most important component in electric vehicles. Batteries are important assets that require the management of the supply chain.

"For this reason, cooperation in the uniformation of battery components can help facilitate people in the use of electric motors for daily life," said Darmawan.

Darmawan believes that this collaboration is only an early stage and will continue to involve more parties involved in the energy transition through electric vehicles, especially in the transportation sector.

"We see that this is still in its early stages, that's why we need to build an ecosystem. This ecosystem cannot be done by PLN alone. We need collaboration to build an ecosystem in an atmosphere of togetherness," concluded Darmawan.

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