
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) said that there are four main targets that Indonesia wants to achieve as the Official Partner Country at the largest exhibition in the world for Hannover Messe 2023 industrial technology.

The four main targets in participating in the event include first to present the Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap. Second, promoting industrial cooperation. Third, promoting foreign investment and exports.

Then, the last or fourth target is to improve bilateral relations with Germany as the host.

"The Ministry of Industry expects Hannover Messe 2023 to be an important momentum to demonstrate Indonesia's ability to cooperate, collaborate and progress as a global community," said Director General of Resilience, Region, and International Industrial Access (Dirjen KPAII) of the Ministry of Industry Eko SA Cahyanto in a written statement in Jakarta, Tuesday, March 28.

Making Indonesia 4.0 was introduced as a roadmap for accelerating the implementation of industrial technology 4.0 in the country. This roadmap includes inclusive sustainability, startup business and technology development, as well as to support the circular economy.

In addition, related issues will also be presented in supporting the Making Indonesia 4.0 program.

Eko said that the Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap is oriented towards five main elements, including artificial intelligence, internet of things, entertainment wearables, advanced robotics, and 3D printing. "This main element is intended to support the expansion of the digital economy and incentives for industry," he said.

Furthermore, said Eko, Indonesia will take advantage of its role as the Official Partner Country Hannover Messe 2023 to convey to the international community, especially business and industrial players related to investment ease policies in Indonesia.

The policies provided by the government include ease of investment, starting from the stage of establishment of business entities, the stage of starting a business or legality of construction based on the Indonesian Business Field Standard Classification (KBLI) consisting of basic requirements and sectoral requirements, as well as the stage of business implementation or non-KBLI-based operational legality.

Indonesia is the first ASEAN country to become an official partner country at Hannover Messe three times. With the spirit of Infinite Journey in Hannover Messe 2023 which will be held on April 17-21, 2023, Indonesia will present the latest technological advances and potential investment in industrial technology, through the implementation of related events summarized in the Official Programs.

Discussions with co-exhibitors from Indonesia will be facilitated through various agendas, such as holding business summit, as well as seminars that take place at the Indonesian Pavilion.

"The issues that will be discussed by co-exhibitors from Indonesia represent six IPC Hannover Messe 2023 themes and will focus on traditional manufacturing conversions to sustainability and innovation, human resource development, business development. start-ups, investment and industrial areas, as well as energy transition," explained Eko.

"A total of 157 co-exhibitors will participate in the Indonesian Pavilion representing the six themes," he added.

Indonesia raised the Infinite Journey tagline for participation in the Hannover Messe 2023 to describe Indonesia's journey towards an indefinite future with a spirit of optimism and broad future potential, without being limited by anything.

With this tagline, Indonesia targets that participation in Hannover Messe 2023 can increase inclusive sustainability, technology development, and support the circular economy.

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