
YOGYAKARTA One of the important information that is often mentioned in the theme of property buying and selling transactions is NJOP. The existence of this information is something quite important so that buyers are able to measure how much tax must be paid after the transaction is successful. Then what is NJOP?

NJOP is an extension of the Tax Object Selling Value, namely legal information in the form of an estimated price of houses or buildings whose calculations are obtained based on the area and zone of houses and buildings.

The definition of NJOP is explained in Law Number 28 of 2009 concerning Regional Taxes and Regional Retribution. The law states that NJOP is the average price obtained from buying and selling transactions that are carried out fairly. The property prices obtained can also be based on the area of land and existing buildings.

From this understanding, it can be concluded that in simple terms NJOP is information that contains estimated property prices. The existence of NJOP is very helpful for property buyers while at the same time limiting sellers from selling property too cheaply below the market, causing losses.

It should be noted that NJOP is a value made and determined by the state through an authorized official. This value will be used as the basis for determining how much tax must be paid by the owner in the United Nations. NJOP payments themselves are made every three years to anticipate the development of the area where the property is located. However, there is also a NJOP which is determined once a year. NJOP is set per square meter and usually the value stipulation in NJOP is usually used as a benchmark for the lowest price of a property.

In general, NJOP has various benefits, so it must be known by the wider community, especially those who want to buy property. The benefits are as follows.

How to determine the price of a house can be based on the amount of NJOP that applies in the property area. NJOP itself is stipulated by a Regional Head Decree (Regent or Mayor). NJOP is also determined per meter according to the location where the property is located. The way to calculate NJOP per meter is as follows.

For example, Fany Arief wants to plan to buy a house in Kalasan District, Sleman, Yogyakarta with a land area of 78 m2 while the building area is 33 m2. NJOP / property meter in the area, for land of Rp. 750,000.00 per m2 and for buildings of Rp. 1,000,000.00.

Thus it can be calculated that the total land price is the area of land x NJOP/meter of land, meaning 78 m2 x Rp750,000.00 = Rp58,500,000.00.

Meanwhile, the total price of the building is the area of the building x NJOP/building meter, which means 33 m2 X IDR 1,000,000.00 = IDR 33,000,000.00.

Meanwhile, the selling value of the house is the price of land + the price of the building = the selling value of the house, which means IDR 58,500,000.00 + IDR 33,000,000.00 = IDR 91,500,000.00.

That's information related to what NJOP is. Visit VOI.ID for other news updates.

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