
JAKARTA - The shipping company PT Dharma Lautan Utama (DLU) supports the government's program in the form of building connectivity between tourism areas by opening the Surabaya-Lembar-Labuan Bajo-Ende cruise route.

"One of the government's programs is to grow the Indonesian tourism sector. Our ships oversee two tourist destinations at the DPSP, namely Lombok (Lembar) and Labuan Bajo, then we connect with Ende," said Director of Operations and Business of PT Dharma Lautan Utama Rakhmatika Ardiyanto, in Labuan Bajo, quoted from Antara, Saturday, March 25.

PT DLU conducted the inaugural voyage of KM Dharma Rucitra VIII on the Labuan Bajo-Ende route, East Nusa Tenggara today. This ship previously departed from Surabaya and visited Lembar in West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara.

According to Rakhmatika Ardiyanto, the ship with a capacity of 1,300 people will grow the tourism sector, because it connects two super priority tourism areas, namely Lombok and Labuan Bajo.

Furthermore, there is Ende Regency which is the final destination for shipping which has the potential for famous tourism, namely Lake Tiga Warna Kelimutu.

In addition to providing comfortable modes of transportation, PT DLU provides tourist travel agents with the opportunity to display photos and videos of tourist destinations on board.

Ardiyanto said PT DLU was ready to support the promotion of regional tourism on the ship.

"We can show the video on the ship, right by the passengers," he also said.

He further explained that there are three main economic gates in Flores at this time, namely Labuan Bajo, Maumere, and Ende.

Therefore, the presence of KM Dharma Rucitra VIII also aims to support economic growth in the Flores area, especially from Ende Regency.

"We want Flores to experience good economic growth. So we help so that people in Flores have no trouble getting their needs," he said again.

KM Dharma Rucitra VIII is the 45th ship belonging to PT DLU which was just launched some time ago.

This ship can load 1,300 passengers, 80 trucks, and 175 small vehicles.

Some of the facilities on board are the sitting and sleeping economic space, the VIP Sea Views room, single cabin, double cabin, and VIP Suite.

Meanwhile, public facilities are available, namely sports facilities in the form of gyms and jogging tracks, karaoke rooms, barbershops, as well as laundry and massage services for truck drivers.

"DLU is ready to present a comfortable mode of transportation for the community," he also said.

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