
JAKARTA Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani is known to have just met with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) President Tanaka Akihiko during a working visit to Japan earlier this week.

During the meeting, the state treasurer explained that the Japan International Cooperation Agency had an interest in investing in the State Capital (IKN).

"Especially renewable energy. This is related to the commitment of zero emissions from the carbon side," he said when holding a press conference online directly from Tokyo, Tuesday, February 14.

According to the Minister of Finance, so far JICA has been quite concerned in financing development that focuses on providing infrastructure.

Not only JICA, the state treasurer revealed, the Sakura State government is also interested in investing in IKN Nusantara.

They will see more about the development plan (in IKN). Of course, Japanese companies and their governments will see opportunistic things that can be a area of attention," he said.

On this occasion, the Minister of Finance also explained a number of JICA investments that have been rolled out in Indonesia, such as through the Ministry of Transportation for MRT facilities of 277 billion yen, public housing with a value of 204 billion yen at the Ministry of PUPR.

Then, at PLN and Pertamina through the replacement loan of 55 billion yen and at the Ministry of Bappenas for a project worth 7 billion yen.

Not only in the infrastructure sector, but JICA is also said to have opened up financing distribution options in the field of flood management to human resource development.

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